beginner nail tech price list uk

beginner nail tech price list uk

A Beginner Nail Tech Price List for the UK: A Comprehensive Guide

Hello, readers!

Welcome to our detailed guide on pricing your nail services as a beginner nail tech in the UK. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to consider when setting your prices, from your skills and experience to the local market. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to establish a price list that reflects your value and attracts clients.

Section 1: Factors Influencing Your Pricing

Your Skills and Experience

Your skill level and experience play a major role in determining your prices. The more skilled you are, the higher you can charge. As you gain more experience, you’ll become faster and more efficient, which will allow you to charge more for your time.

The Local Market

It’s important to research the pricing of other nail techs in your area. This will give you a good idea of what clients are willing to pay for similar services. You don’t want to price yourself too high or too low, so it’s important to find a balance.

Section 2: Setting Your Prices

Consider Your Costs

Before setting your prices, you need to consider your costs. This includes the cost of materials, equipment, and any other expenses related to your business. You need to make sure that your prices cover these costs plus a profit margin.

Choose a Pricing Model

There are a few different pricing models that you can use. You can charge by the hour, by the service, or a combination of both. The best pricing model for you will depend on your business and your target market.

Section 3: Types of Nail Services


Manicures are a basic nail service that includes cleaning, shaping, and polishing the nails. You can charge different prices for different types of manicures, such as basic manicures, gel manicures, and French manicures.


Pedicures are similar to manicures, but they also include working on the feet. You can charge different prices for different types of pedicures, such as basic pedicures, gel pedicures, and spa pedicures.

Nail Extensions

Nail extensions are a popular service that can add length and strength to the nails. You can charge different prices for different types of nail extensions, such as acrylic nails, gel nails, and fiberglass nails.

Table: Sample Nail Tech Price List

Service Price
Basic Manicure £15
Gel Manicure £20
French Manicure £25
Basic Pedicure £18
Gel Pedicure £23
Spa Pedicure £30
Acrylic Nail Extensions £30 per set
Gel Nail Extensions £35 per set
Fiberglass Nail Extensions £40 per set


Setting your prices as a beginner nail tech can be a challenge, but it’s important to do your research and find a pricing model that works for you. By considering the factors discussed in this article, you can establish a price list that reflects your skills, experience, and the local market.

Thank you for reading! We hope this guide has been helpful. Be sure to check out our other articles for more tips on starting and growing your nail tech business.

FAQ about Beginner Nail Tech Price List UK

1. How much should I charge for basic manicures?

  • A basic manicure typically costs between £15-£25.

2. What is the average price for a full set of gel nails?

  • A full set of gel nails usually ranges from £25-£40.

3. How much do nail extensions cost?

  • Nail extensions can vary in price depending on the type of extensions used. Acrylics typically cost £25-£40, while gel extensions are usually £30-£45.

4. What is the price for nail art?

  • Nail art prices vary greatly depending on the intricacy of the design. Simple designs may cost around £5-£10, while more complex ones can reach £20-£30.

5. Do beginner nail techs charge less?

  • Beginner nail techs may offer lower prices than experienced technicians, but it’s important to note that their services may not be of the same quality.

6. How do I set my prices?

  • Consider your experience, the cost of materials, and the prices of other nail techs in your area.

7. Should I offer discounts?

  • Offering discounts for multiple services or packages can attract customers, but make sure you’re not losing money in the process.

8. How do I advertise my nail services?

  • You can advertise your services through social media, online platforms, and local notice boards.
  • You must hold a Level 2 or 3 qualification in Nail Technology and be registered with a reputable awarding body.

10. Where can I find more information about nail tech training and pricing?

  • Trade associations like the British Association of Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology (BABTAC) provide resources and support for nail technicians.
